Monday, July 23, 2012

Be Humble, Be Confident

In the moment when one realizes the greatness of their own potential abilities, over-confidence can give way to a fall.  However, if one is to hesitant, the likelihood of achieving that potential diminishes.  In this, there is balance.

For some, it comes easy to be confident.  These types of people thrive on letting themselves shine.  The challenge is not to become overbearing.  For others, humility is a strength, but building the certainty that their light is worth sharing is the challenge.

There have been times when I am within my yoga practice, that a balancing posture is achieved even for a brief moment, and I back off suddenly because of the fear of falling.  Other times when I think, "Wow, I'm pretty awesome..."  and then I reach beyond my capacity and I do indeed fall.  Also, as a performing singer/songwriter at times, I can guarantee that if I become distracted by thoughts of how I'm doing as a performer, mistakes happen.  There must be a lift to balance, and there must be gravity to press you down.  The kind of focus that it takes to maintain a balancing posture brings the mind into a constant state of shifting from humility and confidence.

Even as I lay in Savasana on the floor, eyes closed, breathing, my hands open on the floor in a gesture of giving and receiving.  I visualize being less vulnerable on the inside, and more penetrable on the outside.  Allowing oneself to shine is a way to give and receive at he same time.  We have gifts.  They are meant to be treated as such.  The gifts I have been given are given to me, and I am to share them.  When you find that place where love of yourself, and love of others come together, it's easy to shine. 

"...for perfect love casteth out all fear" ~Moroni 8:16

Imagine a playground teeter-totter.  One one side, is Humility.  On the other side, Confidence.  In the middle, Faith.  Underneath, a three-sided triangle labeled Self, Others, and Your Maker--who is your God.  Imagine how children seem to effortlessly embrace these attributes, and balance them with the help of those they Love.  In truth, having a quiet confidence, or assurance, is often called having Faith Trusting that you are not on your own, and the light that you give to others is not entirely your own.


  1. You, my friend, are amazing! I just love everything about you, and admire you completely!

  2. you're so eloquent! thanks for sharing the link from facebook..great blog!!

  3. Kim--Words are just words... it's always easier said than done for me. :) thank you, you are kind.
