Monday, September 29, 2014


What does it mean to be grounded?

To me it means returning to what you know is home. It is knowing who you are, & staying true to yourself.  It's allowing yourself to breathe at your own pace. It means to have roots firmly growing deep, so that we can reach higher heights over time. It's reminding ourselves of the power inside all of us and respecting each others' differences. 
When I feel grounded I seem to feel  more accepting of current circumstances, more hopeful for the future, and more willing to remove ambition from my life. I am more patient and more realistic, yet full of optimism. My mantra becomes "I am enough."  
I feel that way today.  It's a very real and lasting kind if happiness.  Self love turns into love that extends beyond ourselves and has limitless bounds. This is when we can truly say that what we feel inside will indeed impact our world.