Friday, January 11, 2013

Try Something New

 And now for something totally different...

 I'm exhausted...

 But absolutely elated...

Aerial Silks 101-
As I stroll along life's path, I keep picking flowers to put into my basket. Each flower I come across is just as beautiful as the next, and uniquely new and enticing.  Recently, I've come to notice I'm awfully lucky not to be collecting rocks.  Rocks are heavy, they accumulate, and they never wilt or fade away.  I used to be sad when one of my flowers would die.  However, there is always something new to discover.  Often, I'll pick the same flowers as they come into season, and then willing let them go for a time until we can become reacquainted again another day.
When discovering Aerial Silks classes, I felt I was doing something that combined many of the things I've loved and collected over the years.  It felt like Rock Climbing, it felt like Ballet, it felt like Yoga, or Pilates, and it felt brand new--like Flying.  
It has been a privilege to have an instructor who has performed professionally with Cirque Du Soleil, along with other talented teachers at Darla's Aerial Arts Studio.  When watching Cirque Du Soleil performances, I'm enthralled with the added desire to join them.  Like many things I observe, it almost always makes me want to give it a try.  One of the things most wonderful about watching these amazing feats, is that there is no one person who stands out more than the rest.  They are always a unified whole.  Also, at times the performers will call up an average looking individual from the audience.  Usually this person is dressed in casual everyday clothing, but then, we slowly realize that they are emerging from something ordinary to something extraordinary, as the shed off the layers to reveal that they too are a member of the cast.  The reason they do this must be to make us wonder, "Could I do that?"

On Resolutions-
At the end of a yoga class, as a student, it seems like I'm always the last one to roll up my mat and walk out the door.  Maybe it's simply because I move slower and more deliberately that most people.  Sometimes I wonder though how much of it is just me longing to make it last just a little bit longer.  The pace of life picks up considerably after I venture home.  
The same thing happens at the end of each year.  When Christmas-time is over for everyone else, and they are all boxing up their decorations, I'm still watering my Christmas tree and listening to the occasional Christmas song on my playlist.  I suppose the end just comes to soon.  As people rush off to the gym to get fit, and start their new diet plans for the New Year, I'm still eating chocolate by the fireplace, and gradually getting myself motivated to start back on a regular exercise schedule.  But this doesn't mean I've given up.  It's just relaxing with the idea of moving forward.
Statistics show that most people have given up on their New Year's resolutions by January 6th.  That's 75% of the 45% of people who even bother to make a resolution, give up within a week!  (
Guess what.  I don't even make any resolutions until about the 2nd week in January.  Making resolutions is an important and meaningful thing to me, and I don't see why it needs to be rushed.  After all, we have all year long to try and stick to our new goals, right?  So allow yourself some slack, and you'll be surprised at how much more you can accomplish by losing the all or nothing attitude.  Simply don't make commitments you know you can't keep, but follow through on making an effort to progress in small, yet more meaningful ways.  Find ways to make your goals fun, light, easy, even joyful.  If what you have always done is not working for you, try something new.
If you'd like some more tips on goal setting, refer to my blog post from June 25th, 2012.


  1. Replies
    1. Why, thank you! I just took a look at yours too. I'm intrigued.

  2. Wow! That is so cool! and look at you, you fit right in. You are so brave to try this. I'm always extremely intimidated by new things, particularly new workouts. A little over a year ago I was doing a LOT of running and unfortunately pushed it too hard one day (trying to show off for my brother! haha) and injured myself. After running, like an idiot, for six more months I realized that I wasn't going to heal if I kept it up and was forced to branch out. It was hard to do something different, I liked my routine and didn't think I would enjoy other things as much. I finally talked myself into going to a cycling class with a friend and was so surprised how much I enjoyed it, in fact I felt like a psycho afterwards because I was so flooded with endorphin's. What's more is I started to see very quickly how much it was helping my running. I need to be better at "letting my old flowers die" or hibernate :) I typically do not set New Years resolutions because I make a lot of resolutions throughout the year when the timing is right in my life to take on something new. I have been thinking a lot lately though that there is one goal I do need to set and it never feels like the right time for this, maybe the New Years momentum could be useful! This goal is to take time for ME to practice piano or trumpet. It is extremely hard to fit this into my life but I MISS IT!! I could when Kairo was about 5 but a couple years later Penny came along and another hiatus commenced. It's something that makes me very sad. Although it feels like one of those all or nothing things to me, I'm going to make a goal to start working on new music even if I can only work on it for 15 minutes at a time. Wow, sorry about the wall-O-text!!! I love your blog Amara. You inspire me!

    1. You nearly made me cry. One of my resolutions this year is to play my guitar for at least 15 min. a day. (In reality I have much greater things I would like to accomplish in this category of my life.) Something is better than nothing! It's amazing what can happen with such small and simple goals.

  3. Oh to be flexible again. You are a sight to behold -- lovely. Thank you for sharing.

    My goal is to "start" playing the guitar again, but I need left thumb surgery before that can happen. This year for sure. I used to play along with Dave sometimes.

    1. Oh I'd love to hear you and Dave together! Sorry about your thumb--that puts a damper on your artwork I bet. Hope the surgery goes well. Thanks for your compliment too.
