This summer, I've had the privilege of teaching these little ones yoga in my home, and at the park. These are just a couple of memories my dear friend Iva caught on camera.
It all started with teaching our neighborhood joy school children a yoga class at the end if the school year. I was assigned to teach them the letter "Y." So, we had a 30 min. yoga practice, colored the letter "Y," and sang a song about it. Then we had healthy snacks starting with the word "Yummy." When it was finished, I was amazed at how well these young 3 & 4year-olds had done! I didn't think they would have the attention span for it. Honestly, I didn't think I'd have the patience for it--well, they proved me wrong.
Next, I was asked to come teach yoga one day for Aiden's kindergarten class. His school teacher happened to be a student of mine, and was gracious enough to encourage the children and help them along. Again, this classroom full of little ones ages 5-6 were astoundingly attentive, and it was an absolute blast.
I began gathering some ideas and materials that could help me continue this for my boys. I was not confident I could take on a large group, since I have so little experience with kids other than my own. So the class was and still is small and very manageable.
We set up the class to have 30-40 minutes of yoga, followed by a story time and a snack. At first is was as if all the pent up energy and emotion (of my boys in particular) would never allow us any peace in the room. I started to think maybe they were not going to be able to handle having "Mom as a Teacher." Moving forward though, there were little glimpses here and there that would give me the patience to keep trying. Then, my boys began to spontaneously show me yoga poses when we were on a walk, or at the store, or at Grandma's house. The boys wanted to join me on my mat in the mornings when I was enjoying my own practice, so they would run to get another mat or towel. (Aiden rolled up his beach towel in his room and often got it out for yoga time.) This was not entirely new except for that Liam was no longer climbing all over me, (as much,) but attempting to do things on his own
We moved the class to an outdoor setting at the park. It was beautiful and shady under the cottonwood trees, overlooking Utah Lake. The children would practice listening time. As we sat still and unbelievably quiet for nearly a whole two minutes a peaceful place was created. If there were any outbursts, it just seemed to dissipate into the sky. The children were joyful, and willing to try new things.
We loved little Isabel, Sophia, Krista, and others when they would join. By the end of the summer, friendships were made we never expected, and we had all learned together. The seasons are changing, so I look forward to having a few more classes with the children at the park, and a few more times I can return to the dock for my own quiet yoga practice. (Yes, I still practice on the docks near my home.)
Yoga alone, yoga with others, and yoga with children. I love it all.
Yoga alone, yoga with others, and yoga with children. I love it all.